Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting back in the swing of things

This morning the alarm went off at 530.. I had Richard hit snooze one time and I rolled out of bed. I got my work out clothes on and off to the gym. Once there, I used the eliptical for 35 minutes and the bike for 10 minutes all the while maintaning my heart rate... My legs were on fire and I thought that they might give out, yet I was able to push through and get the job done. Leaving the gym I felt wonderful, knowing that I had completed what I was set out to do. Thank the Lord for the stregnth and endurance!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Back at the Gym

Last night as I was getting ready for bed I made plans to work out with Nath in the morning. My mind really wanted to just skip it, yet I also knew that I need to go. The alarm went off at 530, I rolled out of bed with pain in my ankle, chest congestion, a cough and multiple excuses as to why I didn't want to go work out. I made myself go by telling myself that I did not have to do much. I would do the minimum and that would be more then nothing. Nath asked me what my plans were, then she told me her plans (which were more that mine) and I thought well, I can do that. So I did more Cardio than I planned and did more of the weight routine. I left out of breath and tired, but excited to be off to a new work out week. I am so glad that I made my unhappy butt climb out of bed this morning!

I am kind of looking forward to the cardio work out tomorrow. I am sure that I won't be when the alarm goes off in the morning.


Thank you for waking me up this morning and giving me a new improved attitude about the gym. I am so thankful that I am healthy enough to go and work out. Please continue to inspire me to be healthy and active. Please take care of the aches and pains that would stop me from doing what you have called me to do. Thank you Lord, that I know that you hear and answer my prayers.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Excersize Blues

Well this has just been a rotten week for excersize. Monday we were out of town, Tuesday I was up all night with a stomach ace, Wednesday Richard worked early, This morning I woke up with a horrible cough and sore throat. I just have alot of excuses and did not do it this week. I do not like to have weeks like this. It makes it even harder to start back up... My body stiffens up and mentally I feel down and just don't want to return to the gym.

I started to wonder... Why was this week so hard? The week before I went all week without a problem. Is it spring break? Is it the mirrors at the gym that I did not want to look at this week? Am I feeling overwhelmed? Is this the enemy attacking me? Is it all of the above and more. I think so. Well one thing that I am learning is that this week was a phase... Each week will be different and I do not have to give up! I know that the Lord has not given up on me and I will not either!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my gym membership. I think that I have taken it for granted. I appreciate the time that I get to spend at the gym and the way that it makes me feel after a good work out. Lord, please help me to find the energy and get rid of all of the excuses. I pray for inspiration and encouragement to continue pressing on.


Friday, March 20, 2009

How my mind plays a role in my weight loss journey

Last night my cousin Sandy came to our First Place group. She talked about all sorts of things dealing with nutrition, health, vitamins, minerals, chiropractic care, etc. She is someone that I can just sit and listen too. She has a wealth of information that she is willing to share.

She said something that really made me think. We were on the subject of diabetes. A comment was made in regards to how a diabetic could eat a snickers bar or an apple and it would have the same effect on the sugar levels and how much inciline a person would have to take. Sandy pointed out that though it may seem to be the case, we are forgetting about all the nutrition you would be getting out of an apple opposed to a snickers bar. What we are doing is lying to ourselves. We give ourselves a way out. That way we feel okay about the decision to eat a snickers bar or whatever.

For me this would be a number of things. I can not count the time's I have failed a diet because I lied to myself and said you deserve this, just one bite, or I will do better tomorrow. The truth is one compromise leads to another and soon our whole mind set has changed. Honestly, this happens so easily and half the time you don't even realize you have done it. I am glad that this reality hit me! I am going to be on the look out for these, so that I can make different choices this time around.

Thank you for sending Sandy to speak to us on healthy ways of living. I am so thankful that you have put her in our lifes. She encourages us to work on our health and she always includes you in that. I love that she relates her personal experiences to this and is willing to share parts of her life with us. Lord, I ask that you bless her, her family, and their chiropractic business.

Please help me to see where I have comprimised in my life. Also, help me to see what I am about to do before I do it. You are a gracious God and I praise you.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Keeping Life Fun and Fruitful

At life on the vine we got to pick different topics of interest. We call these fireside chats, because most of them take place in front of a fire place. One of the sessions I went to was on keeping life fun and fruitful. All I could think before going to this group was who couldn't use a little more fun in their life! This was a perfect session for me.

A few notes from this class:
  1. I need to keep my life in perspective. A good question to ask yourself : 10 years from now will this matter?
  2. I need to learn to live my life in light of eternity
  3. Do you enjoy your life right now?

A couple of ideas: Take time for your self once a year to review your life. Pray through each aspect and ask the Lord if that is what the Lord has for you or if it was what you have chosen. To often we do things or commit to something without seeking the Lord, putting stress that is not needed into our life.

John 10:10 says "The thief comes only to steal, kill and distroy; I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full."

The hands on activity was for us to make a list of things that fill us. Comparing us to a gas tank that needs filled. As you use the gas, the tank starts to empty, you must fill it so it does not completly drain. Sometimes in life we have more things that drain than we do that fill. This is when I need to take it back to the Lord and seek his will.

Things that fill me:

  • a good comedy
  • working out
  • jacuzzi-swimming
  • my chickens
  • my kids singing
  • being with friends
  • making a new recipe
  • journaling
  • blogging
  • pedicures
  • a hot cup of coffee
  • reading

Things that drain me:

  • Clutter
  • constant noise
  • gossip
  • never a moment to take a break
  • complaining
  • too much to do
  • arguing children
  • laundry (never ending)

An important thing for me was to realize that the things that fill are not an option! We must make time for some of these everyday, or we will burn out! I would recommend making your list, I think that you will be suprised at what fills you and what drains you. Then take that list to the Lord and see what he might speak to you about these things! I would love to hear what you learn!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

April,Me,Linda,and Becky

This last weekend the four of us went to Life On the Vine at Camp Crestview. This is a retreat through Foursquare for woman in Leadership positions. This is the second year that I went and it was amazing. The worship time was so good and it was a wonderful time away with the Lord. I know that the Lord spoke to alot of woman this past weekend. He Certainly did me. I am so thankful for the relationships that we have in our church and the friendships that we made this past weekend. It was refreshing to see a bunch of women praising the Lord, letting go, and having fun.
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How does our minds work??

For four months I went 4-5 days a week to the gym each time increasing the amount of cardio and or the time on the machine. I was up to about 45 minutes a day! Whew! A couple of weeks ago I started doing some weights in the gym and the desire to work on cardio went out the window! I would much rather be in the other part of the gym than on that the eliptical... Thats a problem because ultimatly I need to be doing 3 days cardio with some weights and 2 days of 45-60 minutes cardio!

My shoulder/neck has been hurting for about a week now. Just getting on the eliptical or bike is uncomfortable. I can not get comfortable and it is burning. This morning I just prayed as I was on the bike and eliptical that the Lord would give me the stregnth and you know what... He did. Our God is faithful! I am so thankful.

Dear God,

Its me again! I keep on praying because I know that you hear me! Thank you so much for giving me the stregnth to carry on despite the pain in my shoulder. Lord I do come asking for healing in my shoulder. I know that you want me to be healthy and be at that gym. Lord help me to establish a routine at the gym that I feel good about and don't feel guilty when not doing all of the things available.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Miss Daisy went to Camp Crestview

I just got back from a wonderful trip to Corbett. I had the oppertunity for the 2nd year in a row to go to a womens leadership conference at Camp Crestview. It was so beautiful and the Lord really met me there. I can say in faith that we had a lot of healing and met some wonderful ladies of the Lord.

One of the fears I had about going was being able to eat healthy and feel good about it. I prayed about it, packed lots of healthy snacks, and was on my way! Rather than tell you what healthy foods that I ate, I am going to tell you what things I chose NOT to eat! The Lord was so faithful and helped me through out each meal! I did not eat: home made rolls, bread, garlic mashed potatos, fried potatos, roasted red potatos, caramel smothered french toast, powdered sugar sprinkled pancakes, hot cobbler with ice cream, and apple cake... Or any of the junk that they had for snacks... I did eat some dried fruit, cashews, peanuts, S/F lattes, cheese sticks for snack and I was satisfied. I never once felt hungry or neglected.

Praise the Lord. More to come on what the Lord spoke to me.....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Miss Daisy went to Roseburg again...

For those who don't know we have named my tahoe Miss Daisy... Since it seems we are always on the go, she needed a name. We went to Roseburg to see my cousin, Sandy at the the chiropractic office today. My mom and Patti went with me. Sandy is so much more than a chiropractor. She is also a nutrionist with a wealth of information. It is always nice to go and just talk and listen to her. She has so much information to share in regards to the foods we eat, the excersizes that we do, the vitamins we take, and she shares her life with us. She is REAL, which is probably why I am comfortable going to her. She does not judge me and she makes me feel good about where I am today. She encourages me and anyone else that comes to see her. Anyhow, she was quite pleased to hear that I have lost 48 pounds. After figuring that I out, I realized it has only been 3 1/2 months that I have been eating well. God is so faithful. He has brought me so far in such a short time.

Today I got an adjustment, a new bio meridian scan, and nutritional counseling. Along with that we discussed some of my health problems and I got a few new vitamins that should help. The first time I went to see Sandy, I saw her and her husband Jim. They both looked at my ankle and did adjustments... I don't walk like a duck so much anymore and the sharp pain is gone! I thought because of the screws in my ankle I would always be like that. Little did I know, all needed to do was hop in Miss Daisy and head to Roseburg. I am so thankful that Sandy is helping us!

Dear God,

I praise you and thank you for looking out for me. I thank you for putting people in my life that encourage me and lift me up. Lord, I ask that you would bless Jim and Sandy for all that they do. Give them encouragement and the passion to do what you have called them too. I also pray for Patti and my mom. I ask that you would heal them of their pain. Restore their physical bodies so that they can do what you have called them too. Help them get good sleep and seek you daily. Thank you for answering our prayers.

In Jesus Name,


Friday, March 6, 2009

Weigh in time

Yesterday at First Place (my weight loss group) was weigh in. I had been looking forward to weighing for some time. I lost 16 pounds in 6 weeks! At first I was a little disappointed, 16 pounds is a good amount, but I had lost more before... Then I thought about it.... I have never done this the correct way before.. This time I know that I am doing it the right way. I am taking my vitamins, I am seeing a nutritionist (Sandy is wonderful), I am in a weightloss group that encourages me and prays for me, I am doing a daily devotional, I am excersizing, I am drinking my water. Most of all I feel AWESOME! I am not going to be diappointed... That makes my total loss in 4 months 48 pounds and 37 inches! That number is great! Every pound counts and I am thankful for each one that I have lost.


Thank you so much for guiding me and helping me to lose 16 pounds! I know that is what I needed to lose! You are my guide and my stregnth and I know that you will fulfill the promise that you have given me. I am on my way to a healthier me and I have you to thank for that. Thanks for always meeting me where I am. Thanks for delivering me from my negative thoughts and providing a way out for me. You are an awesome and Gracious God and I Love you more and more every day.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

GYM #2

Nath and I met with a trainer at the gym today. She taught us how to use some of the weight machines and some good excersizes! Wow, my upper body is actually sore today. I am not sure if it is from the weight training or from the different eliptical machine! I am really looking forward to doing weight training. It will help me build muscle, lose weight, and help me with my balance! It is alot like when we first started going... We will have to work up to more weight and more repitition!

I am so glad that we are enjoying the gym and using it. Going in the morning just makes my day go so much better.


Thank you so much for giving me the inspiration and stregnth to go to the gym. Thank you for giving me the courage to ask a trainer for help. Thank you for giving me a buddy to train with. Most of all thank you for being my focus. I am so inspired by the love that you have for me. I thank you for your word and encouragement. My goal is to please you Lord. Show me the areas that I am not, so that I can change. I love you.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


When I went to the gym today, I tired out a different eliptical machine. I used one that has arms that move. Oh, what a work out. I did not think that I was going to make it! I did though... 15 minutes on that and my legs were shaking and my arms were sweaty. That will be a machine that I start working out on more. It felt like I was working my upper body as well as my lower body. This machine really helps me with coordination!

I also made an appointment for Nathalie and I tomorrow morning to walk around with a trainer. She is going to show us how to use some of the equipment in the gym that I have been to afraid to use!

I paid my member dues today. It seems unreal to me that Nathalie and I have been going to the gym 4-5 days a week for 4 whole months and we have learned to enjoy it too!

My Hallelujah Song

There is a little story that comes with the song that plays when you first open my blog. I thought that it might be fun to share it with you all.

Last year when it was time for American Idol, I just loved all of the music. I found out that I could go to Itunes and download some of the performances. Every once in a while I would get on there and download a few of my favorites. At that time My Hallelujah song was the free single ofon there and it was a free song so I downloaded it.

Last week I was on the eliptical machine, going as fast and long as I could praying that the Lord would give me the stregnth and endurance to complete what I was doing. I was praising the Lord for what he has been doing in me when this song came on... The words hit home. "Look at me, can't believe, I've finally made it here, feeling like I am where I belong, singing my Hallelujah song." I started to think about those words. I am thinking Hallelujah! I am on this eliptacal and I can go for 45 minutes when 4 months earlier I wouldn't have even thought about getting on that machine. I was praising the Lord and memories of six months ago came to mind. I felt like I was never going to succeed at being healthy, my relationship with the Lord was less than to be desired. Not because of him, but because of me. I know people were praying for me and even I was praying, just not believing. Another part of this song says " Its a sweet prayer knowing someones up there hearing me." I can speak to that. I know that the Lord hears me and he answers!

That was the best work out I have ever had. I burned 1100 calories in 40 minutes! Whew! I was sweating and hot, but I can not think of a time that I have ever felt better.

I have learned that the Lord has a plan for us. He wants to speak to us. Sometimes he speaks to us through people, his word, or the Holy Spirit. The Lord can use anything or anyone to speak to us! We just need to be listening. He spoke to me through a song. He gave me that song over a year ago and waited for me. He was patient and gave it to me in his perfect timing!

I am praying for all that have given up or feel like giving up, and asking that we would all reach out to the Lord. He will give us the stregnth and inspiration.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for speaking to us and hearing us. Lord God, I pray for those who are suffering. I pray for those who have given up or need encouragement and just ask that you would restore them, give them stregnth, and courage to come to you and seek your guidence. Thank you for speaking to me through a song, You know just what I need.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Good Morning!

I went to bed last night all excited about this new blog! I love new things. It inspires me. I was thinking about this last night when a thought came to me. My thought was no a very nice thought. It went something like this: What were you thinking TeriAnn. What if you don't feel like sharing yourself after a couple of weeks? What if you stop doing what you are suppose to do? Now you have exposed yourself to alot people and you are going to have some explaining to do....BLAW BLAW BLAW!

I say well that is just all part of my journey right? The Lord said he knows every hair on our heads. He knows me. He knows this negative self talk and he also knows how to lift me up. Today I choose him as my stregnth. I will live for today and not for what could happen. I also believe those who follow this blog will not judge me but also llift me up in their prayers and thoughts.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for this day. I thank you for the oppertunity to share my heart and the work that you are doing within me with others. You are an amazing God and you always meet me right where I am. Lord, I ask that you will help me as well as others with negative self talk. I know that it is not of you. I ask that you would remind us daily of your great and wonderful promises. Amen