Monday, September 28, 2009

some thoughts

Why is it so hard to drag your butt out of bed to work out when the work our feels so good when you are done?

Why is it so hard to just sit still before the Lord?

Why do I desire "relaxing time", but don't take it when I can?

Why doesn't the laundry fairy visit my house?

I am sure that I will have more questions to come...

Friday, September 25, 2009

5:45 wake up call

The alarm sounds, its 5:45 am, the rooster is crowing and I plug my ears and try to fall back to sleep. I say to Richard, I do not feel like working out this morning. Yes you do, he says. No, I don't and why would I want to? Richard says because you feel better when you do...I crawl out of bed and go to the gym...Thanks Richard for encouraging me. You are awesome. I had a great work out all because of you.
I sit here thinking about what in this crazy brain I should share with you. Well here it goes. I am going to start with some of the things that I have not been successful with over the past month or so. I have allowed the enemy to place a foothold into my life. Gradually he snuck his way in and interrupted this path I am on.
I am almost certain that adding wheat back into my diet has started to cause me to get migraines. Even though I know that wheat is causing this issue, I continue to eat it because I am an addict and I want it.

I have been craving sweets. Rather than filling that craving with healthy sweets like fruit, I have chosen to eat sugar free candies, ice cream, puddings, etc. Since I am not eating the fruits, it gave me a way out of eating my vegetables. In the past to help me get my vegetables in I ate twice as many vegetables as I did fruit. Since I was not eating very much fruit I did not need the vegetables. It is amazing to me that my mind can actually make sense of that!

This summer schedule for me has been busy. It has been harder to make it to the gym and I have allowed that to be an excuse not to go.

Many times throughout this bible study I have had to cram to get the bible study done the day of the meeting. I have not memorized scriptures and a few times I forgot to contact my prayer partner.

All of these things are key to me being successful at losing weight and becoming the person that the Lord wants me to be.

This last session proved to be a real challenge for me. I lost focus of my goals and started to focus on what sounded good to eat instead of what my body needed. As I sought the Lord this week I asked for him to speak to me and help me with this testimony. The scripture that he brought to my attention was, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24:15. I have heard this scripture so many times and I thought what does that have to do with this? I have always thought of that scripture as the people in our home would serve the Lord. The Lord told me to dig deeper.

As I thought about this scripture and began to pray, I realized what he was saying to me. My body is the house! I need to be serving the Lord with my mind and my body. When I am overeating or eating out of my emotions, I am not serving the Lord. I need the Lord and I want to be his servant.

I allowed the enemy to tempt me just as he tempted Eve in the garden. I accepted and I am sure he is standing back there happy as a clam… Well not anymore. I am through letting him win. I have Jesus and I am choosing to stand firm and not allow temptations to rule my life anymore!

My goals for this next session are these:
• Omit wheat
• Omit artificial desserts
• Eat twice as many vegetables as fruit
• Exercise daily
• Bible study
• Scripture memory

I am so thankful for the love and support that I receive from our group. Every week I am encouraged at our meetings and look forward to the next meeting. I want to say thank you to everyone who has prayed for me, contacted me through the prayer partner forms, and supported me on this journey.

Dear heavenly father,
I come before you asking for your help through this journey. It has been difficult over the past few months to follow you and what you have called me to. Being healthy has been one of the hardest things that you have called me to. Lord, I want to be all that you have made me to be. I want to be healthy for my kids, my husband and myself. Help me to seek you in this journey. Let me hear from you. Lord I ask for your grace and forgiveness for the times I have veered off the path and ask that you would make my path straight.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dear God

Those who read my blog...writing this down is really hard for me...It is easier to share the easy times than the hard times. I feel like I need to be accountable to you as well as myself and the Lord. This is a letter to the Lord of how I am feeling today.

Dear God,

This is one of those prayers that I come before your feet seeking your help, your stregnth and your guidence. You have brought me so far. This last month I have felt like I am losing control of my eating. I know that you are the one in control, so Lord I am asking that you would help me to give this control back to you. This burden does not have to be mine, you can lift it from me.

Lord, I want you to complete the work that you have began in me. You have been giving me my life back and that is what I yearn for. I have fears of doing what I have done in the past. I do not want to give up hope! Please restore my body to what you want it to be. Help me to be whole and glorify you.

This has been an amazing journey that you have put me on. There has been good times and bad times, yet you have always been there. Please help me through this season of my life. I do not want to go back to where I was before.

You amaze me every day. In greater detail these are the things that I need help with:


Lord please replant the desires in my heart to be a healthier me. You are the vine and I am the branches, please prune what needs pruned and water what needs watered. Give me nourishment and substain me. I love you.
