Thursday, November 19, 2009

My little pumpkin seed.....

I am so excited, I can't even expain it! We are 8 weeks pregnant. In the ultra sound picture it is 6 weeks and we were able to see the heart beat!

It has been over 11 years that Richard and I have tried to concieve. We have tried different things and nothing worked. I knew that the Lord had promised us a baby, yet I had my doubts. You see, our enemy likes to decieve us and cloud our minds so that we forget the promises of the Lord!

In April, I found out that I was pregnant. The next day, I had a miscarriage. That is one of the hardest things that I have ever gone through. I was not alone though. My husband is an amazing man and he walked through this with me. The Lord lifted my head on days that I couldn't. He sent people into my life to encourage me and show me that I can do all things through him!

After this alot of emotional healing needed to happen. I continued to seek the Lord and ask for his support. I continued to see Dr.Sandy who gave me advise on what to do. She gave me some vitamins to help get my body back into shape. I continued to excersize and take my vitamins.

It was recommended that we not get pregnant for at least 3 to 4 months. This seemed ridiculous seeings how it took us so long to get pregnant in the first place. We followed the recommendation. Now we are 8 weeks pregnant and we got to see the heart beat at 6 weeks. I know that we are far from having this baby, but my hope is being restored. He is healing my body. I know that obedience to his calling is why I have conceived in the first place.

I am chosing not to listen to the doubts in my head. I am believeing that the Lord is blessing us with a child as a promise he has given me. This Blog is going to change a little bit. It has been about my weight loss journey and now we are taking a little detour. It is going to be about my pregnany...good, bad and ugly...don't worry, I still have a weight loss journey to go and will continue that when the time is right. For now....IT is all about this NEW bundle of joy that is about the size of a pumpkin seed...that is my little pumpkin.