Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mapping My Emotional History with Food

Dear Lord,
I just completed mapping my emotional history with food. This has got be one of the hardest things I have done. Food has been my idol since I was little. I am not sure when it clicked, but it did. Food satisfied something that I was lacking. I have always gone to food for comfort and really, everything. Food has consumed many years of my life.
I have allowed food to control me. I have gained so much weight over the years. Even as a young child, I was disappointed with myself and the way that I looked. I was embarrassed and it stopped me from being who I should be. I lost confidence in myself.
Even after you found me and I accepted Jesus into my life, I still continue to go to food. It is embedded in me that food is my source of comfort. Lord, help me to seek comfort in you and not food. Lord thank you for bringing all of this to my attention. I ask that you continue to reveal these things to me so that I can grow in my walk with you
Help me to make good food choices. Lord, I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to be healthy and come to you for the things that I need.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back at the gym...

Just a quick note. I am very excited about the excersizes that I have been doing at the gym. Each day for the past two weeks I have added something extra on. I am up to 35 minutes on the eliptical and I am no longer hating the machine. We are now buddies again! My legs are sore, but it is good. I am also enjoying that water aerobics. It is stretching me and making my joints more limber. A couple of times we have even went in the jacuzi and sauna. I am so thankful for the time of excersize and relaxation.

Dear Lord,

Thank you so much for giving the energy, patience, and endurance to get back to the gym. You are doing an awesome work within me. You give me stregnth and courage to do more than I ever could have imagined. Thank you!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 21 of 21 Day cleanse!

Hip, Hip, Hooray..We made it! Today is the last day of the cleanse! I am looking forward to adding a few things back into my diet. What I look forward to most is the meats, cheese, and eggs! I miss those things!

I am really glad that I participated in this. I have learned so many things about myself and nutrition over the last month. I can live with out the foods that I think that I need. I enjoy veggies, especially roasted. I like fish. It is refreshing to see a huge portion of veggies on my plate with a piece of fish and lemon.

I started back at the gym. I have been there 4 times this week. I am up to 20 minutes on the eliptical and today I did some water arobics. I am looking forward to enjoying the eliptical again. For now, I will press on and work on doing what I can.

My fear of ending this cleanse is going back to the way that I use to eat. I have fallen short so many times when it comes to how I eat. Please help me to make good food choices. Lord, I want to be healthy for myself as well as my children. I know that you want me to have the desires of heart, so Lord I ask that you help me with my will and continue to give me the desire to do better.

I ask for a complete healing of my body. Physically as well as spiritualy. I pray that you will bring things and people into my life that will inspire me to what I need to do. I thank you for the encouragement that you have given me the last couple of weeks. Thank you for my gym membership. Thank you that Richard has been joining me on this journey.



Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 16 of the 21 day cleanse

It is almost over! Praise the Lord. This cleanse has been good for me mentally and physically, however I am going to be real happy when I can enjoy some eggs and some cheese!

This evening we went to Aprils for Josiahs birthday party. Angie was kind enough to bring us a fruit smoothie to eat and it was great. When we got home, I was hungry. I made me some roasted broccoli and sweet potatos! Yay! This was a huge accomplishment. Usually I would have snacked on something not so good for me.


Thank you for giving me the strength to do this cleanse. You are changing me in ways that I did know needed changed. Please help me to make these changes permanent.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 9 of the 21 day cleanse

Today was day 9 of the cleanse and super bowl. We found it really hard to have all the snacks for the ball game. We compromised a little bit and started to eat meat one day early...we made some healthy meatballs and chicken wings. I roasted up some broccoli and sweet potato's coated in olive oil and garlic salt. They were wonderful! I also made some guacamole that I am going to dip my carrot sicks and celery in. This just shows me that there are healthy ways for us to "snack" and have a good time! I am really thankful that we are able to add some meat back into our diets!

Dear Lord,
My prayer for today is for a covering over our food choices. As I add things back into my diet, it makes it difficult to remember to eat all the fruits and veggies. Lord, help me to make good food choices. Help me to crave the veggies! I want to be healthy, lose the weight, get pregnant, and have a healthy pregnancy.

Lord, I praise you for who you are and what you do for all of us. Let me be your vessel.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Coming out of the Fog....

I woke up early to get the kids ready for school. They all needed to be up and going so that I could leave the house at 7am to get Anthony to an orthotontist apppointment by 730 in Eugene. Everything was coming together and the kids were getting ready one by one, breakfast was being eaten, shakes were made for the day, I was watching as my troop did what they were suppose to do, and I rejoiced for a smooth selling Tuesday.

Driving out of Creswell and onto the freeway this morning there was a lot of fog. I continued in the fog for about 5 miles and then all of the sudden, I drove out of the fog. I could see it behind me but ahead of the me the road was clear. This got me thinking. That is how I feel today. My mind is clearer. The road/journey seems clearer. I can look back and see the fog, but I press on and see the clearer side of things. The Lord is helping me to see him in a different light. I can see him very clear today.

John 8:12
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Dear God,

Thank you so much for speaking to my heart this morning. I am so glad that I was able to hear from you. You spoke to my heart, mind, and soul through the fog this morning. Lord, I do not want to go back into that fog. I want to continue to see you in all that I do. Your scripture tells me that you are the light. Lord, help me to not walk in darkness, I want to walk in your light and your truth.

Thank you Jesus!

Cleanse day #4

Today was a busy day. I was able to get all of my shakes in, but not able to sit down and eat some veggies until late in the day. These shakes sure are nice when you are in a hurry! I made them up in the morning and all I had to do was drink one when I got hungry...

I am enjoying having Richard on the cleanse with me this time. Making dinner for the kids is alot easier. They are happy with "simpilar foods", so I am not spending as much time in the kitchen.

I went to the grocery store and bought a bunch if mushrooms and asparagus.. They are tasting really good! I am thankful that this cleanse teaches us to love our fruits and veggies. It is amazing how much my palet changes when I get rid of all the other stuff!

Dear God,

Thank you so much for renewing the spririt in me. Thanks for helping me make these changes in my life. My life is nothing without you.
