Friday, May 15, 2009

Salavary testing

The last time I went to see Sandy she ordered some salavary testing. Here are some of the results and insight from Sandy:

Hi, I've scanned and attached part of one page of your shows a graph with 2 parallel dotted lines . Normal is between those lines. Your readings are the square's and the solid line connecting the lines. As you can see the first 3 readings are low, the 4th is in the normal range.

I'm researching the correct treatment for the results of the adrenal stress test & will give you an idea of what it will be in a few days. I picked the results up at the office this afternoon, basically there is a normal range for cortisol, with the highest levels in the morning and lowest at night. The only normal reading you had was in the last part of the day, the 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings were low....the first thing is to support your tired adrenal glands.

I'm excited for you because helping restore your health in this specific area will have a major on everything else in your system, weight, fertility, energy, outlook, fatigue. If you think you've been feeling soooo much better the past 6 months or so, you will feel like wonder woman when your adrenals are working.

I just love seeing Sandy! She has such a wealth of knowledge and is encouraging to me! I look forward to seeing the changes in me once we take care of the above!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Place assignment 5-7-09

Once again I was not able to get my First Place “homework” done every day this week so I am summing the daily questions up into weekly questions.
My emotions this week have once again had its ups and downs. I am somewhat like an emotional roller coaster! My emotions did not affect my food choices. I was able to eat healthy and make good food choices. For this I send thanks to the Lord. I am so grateful that he is leading me on this new life style.

I did not open the bible every day. I have spent time with the Lord everyday meditating on his words and his promises. Joshua 1:8 Keep this book of the Law always on your lips, Meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. This is so true! I it has really helped me the last couple of days to stay centered on the Lord and just feel his presence that I so badly need!

A book in the Bible that has impacted me this week is the story of Job. I have been having a rough time at church. Every time I go, the Lord tries to begin the healing that I so desperately need. I stop the Lord from doing the work in me that I have asked him to do! I ask the Lord to use me…to do whatever it takes. Yet the moment something happens I don’t allow him to do it. I have been so entrapped by the feelings of disappointment and questions of the Lords faithfulness that I did not want to reach out for help. I felt guilt and shame for not trusting the Lord and questioning him.

This week at church we discussed Joshua and whether or not we can trust the Lord and if the Lord is faithful. What I know: I trust the Lord and I know that he is faithful. I don’t understand my circumstances and I don’t understand why he has allowed these things in my life to happen. I met with a friend and shared with her (sobbing) these intimate thoughts in my head. I was embarrassed, but I remembered the Lords word about bringing things to light. I continued to unload all these feelings and thoughts that were strangling me with guilt.

She tells me the story of Job. She says his family was killed and he was in horrific pain. He cried out to the Lord, I know your words, but I don’t feel them in here and points to his heart. He did not turn away from the Lord, he grasped on to him. . Wow! It’s okay for me to feel this way? Most people would not like to be compared to Job with all of his suffering, but this was a relief for me. Here I thought my relationship with the Lord wasn’t strong enough, yet now I know it is. I am going through something and its okay to cling to the Lord, even if all it is, is one hand clinging onto his shirt. At least I am clinging to the one thing that will save me.

The other thing that the Lord spoke to me this week is that he wants to go deeper with me. For our relationship to have more depth, I will go through trials. The Lord will use these trials to strengthen me, strengthen our relationship. I have to allow him access to those intimate areas that I have closed off. It is not okay for me to just stuff everything down and not go through them. That will make me bitter and lonely. If I allow the Lord to help me sort through my suffering he will be glorified and the healing will begin in me.

All of this is connected to my weight loss journey. If I don’t have my emotions in check, I will turn to food for help instead of the Lord. I spent a lot of time in prayer this week. I would rate this week pretty good. The Lord is beginning to work in me in a new way and I love it. He is using my weaknesses to become strengths and I am learning how to work through things. I need to start writing down my food again. I had gotten out of the habit and I need to return to it.

The one thing that I would like to share this week is that it is important that we all have someone to share our personal struggles with, the ones that stay in our minds and haunt us. We need to have the accountability. This is not to make light of going to the Lord, for that is most important. I say this to encourage fellowship with one another. The Lord has given us each other so that we can build each other up and together build up his kingdom. He does not want us bound by our thoughts he wants us to meditate on his words.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I am posting this video because of the hope that I found in this song. I know that we all have things that cause us to lose hope and faith. This song is a great reminder that our Savior has a plan. I ball whenever I hear this song, it is so REAL to me.

You can pause my music list so that you can hear this video...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

First Place Homework Assignement

I am summing up the whole week into one journal entry for our first health group. The first question was Today’s emotions? Well I can say for the entire week, I felt as though I had absolutely no control over my emotions. One minute I was crying and the next I was laughing. Half the time I did not even know what I was crying for.

Do my emotions affect my food choices? Of course they do. The problem that I am having right now is taking too much control of my food choices. It used to be as I went through hard times I would turn to food. This was my way comfort. I prayed about this for a long time and the Lord has helped me to see that I do not need to turn to food. Now I have gone to the other extent of this problem. With this week being a hard week emotionally, I just chose not to eat a few times. I was telling myself that it was fine because at least I was not turning to food. I know better than that! We need food to survive and be healthy. I have got to learn to lean on the Lord and not myself.

Did I open the Bible every day this week? No…this was a huge reality check for me. I have this internal conflict going on and it is causing me to turn away from the Lord instead of turning to him. The pain that I have is so deep; I just can’t bear to open up my heart to it. The ironic thing is that when I have opened my bible this week I have been encouraged. Yet, somewhere in my heart I don’t want this encouragement; because that means I must accept my circumstance and move on. I don’t want to. I want to stay right where I am. I am defiant and disobedient, but at least I am honest.

A few scriptures that I have read that spoke to me: Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, So my soul pants for you, my God, Psalm 62:5 Yes, my soul, find rest in God, My hope comes from him and Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
The truth that I found in these words is:

1. “My God” I need to proclaim that he is my God, amidst all circumstances!

2. I picture a deer on a hot day getting a sip of water from a stream and then I picture myself receiving the water of life from Jesus. As I wait eagerly for just a drop of his living water.

3. I must find my hope in the Lord and not in earthly things for that is where I will get rest.

4. My faith in the Lord needs to be stronger than any other circumstance. Just look and see what Jesus did so that our faith could mean so much.

I pray many times throughout the day. He gives me the strength to make it through the day. Without prayer all hope would be lost.

I would rate this week overall okay! The Lord gave me the strength and endurance to exercise and make healthy food choices. I need to work on my spiritual and emotional being. I need to allow the Lord to do this work within me, and I need to be okay with where I am at each day. I am thankful that the Lords mercies are new everyday!

Looking back on my week, something that I could have done differently was to use my food journal. I have not done a very good at keeping record of what I have been eating. That is my goal for this next week.

I would like to share one thing. Do not get to comfortable in your walk with Jesus. We are in a world where things happen and they happen fast. We need to be strong in the God’s word so that we can have the courage to move on. In Joshua 1:9 it says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God, will be with you where ever you go.” I got that word last night and that is what I am praying for myself and for our group. We need to be strong and courageous.